My Boyfriend Proposed to Me in Public at a Restaurant, and I Immediately Slapped Him**

It was a Friday evening, and my boyfriend, Eric, had invited me out for dinner at one of our favorite restaurants. It was a cozy little Italian place where we had shared many wonderful dates. I didn’t think much of it—I assumed it was just another nice evening out. Eric had been sweet lately, and I was genuinely looking forward to spending some quality time together.

The restaurant was lively, with couples and families enjoying their meals, and there was a romantic atmosphere in the air. As we settled into our seats and ordered our food, Eric seemed a little nervous, but I thought he was just stressed from work. We made small talk, and everything seemed normal until dessert time.

Suddenly, I noticed Eric signaling to the waiter, and before I knew it, a small crowd of waiters gathered around our table. They were smiling, and one of them handed Eric a microphone. My heart started pounding, and I got a sinking feeling in my stomach. It was all happening so fast, and before I could fully comprehend, Eric was on one knee, holding out a ring.

"Emily," he said, his voice trembling slightly, "you mean everything to me, and I can't imagine my life without you. Will you marry me?"

The entire restaurant went silent, and all eyes were on us. Some people took out their phones, ready to capture the "magical" moment. But for me, it was anything but magical.

I felt an overwhelming mix of emotions—shock, disbelief, and even anger. The truth was, Eric and I had been having serious issues for months. He had been distant, unreliable, and even disrespectful at times. We had several arguments about his lack of commitment and the fact that he often took me for granted. He barely listened to me when I tried to talk about my feelings, and I had reached a point where I was seriously reconsidering our relationship.

So seeing him on one knee, putting on this grand romantic gesture in front of dozens of strangers, felt like a slap in the face. He wasn't doing this because he truly wanted to be with me forever. It felt like he was doing it to prove something, maybe to show others that we were "perfect" or to try and win me over after all the mistakes he had made. It was manipulative, and I could feel my face getting hot.

Without thinking, I slapped him. The sound echoed across the room, and gasps filled the air. Eric’s eyes widened in shock, and his face turned red. He looked confused, embarrassed, and hurt. I could feel everyone staring at us, but I didn’t care. I stood up, my voice shaking as I spoke.

"You can't fix everything with a public proposal, Eric," I said, my voice breaking. "You can't ignore my feelings for months, treat me like I don’t matter, and then expect this to magically make everything okay."

Tears welled up in my eyes, and I could see the shock and pity on the faces of the other diners. Eric looked stunned, and I could see he hadn’t expected this at all. But it was the truth, and I wasn’t going to pretend just because he decided to put on a show.

I turned around and walked out of the restaurant, my heart pounding and my hands shaking. Once I was outside, I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself. I could hear Eric calling my name from behind, but I kept walking, needing to get away from the suffocating situation.

That night, I realized that I had been holding onto a relationship that wasn't right for me. I wanted love, respect, and true understanding—not grand gestures meant to cover up a lack of care. Eric's public proposal had been his way of avoiding real conversation and effort, and I knew then that I deserved better.

In the days that followed, Eric tried to contact me, apologizing profusely, saying he hadn't realized how unhappy I was. But it was too late. I needed to focus on myself, to find my own happiness, and not stay in a relationship that was held together by superficial gestures.

The slap wasn’t just for Eric—it was a wake-up call for me. It was the moment I took back control of my own story, and although it was painful, it was also liberating. I chose myself, and that decision was the beginning of a new chapter—one where I could finally be truly happy, on my own terms.

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